


I’m starting to find my rhythm during this “sheltering in place” thing. I understand I am hugely privileged to have a relatively spacious house with a yard, and a partner who I enjoy spending time with. We don’t have kids so we don’t have to navigate all the challenges of that, and we are both fortunate to be working from home and have not lost any income as yet. So many blessings! One of the things I was already learning how to do before the pandemic and which I now have even more opportunity to practice is “dropping in” before I make a choice to do the next thing. Dropping in is a practice I learned from Lindsay Mack, my esteemed tarot teacher and which is a real game changer in this world of productivity and work ethic. Previously, even during my “free time” I tended to choose how I would spend my time based more on a previously compiled to-do list and a large menu of “shoulds”. What I’m learning is that, for the most part, a time will come when I actually want to do a certain thing, so it’s much better to wait until I have that urge than to force myself to do it when my heart’s not really in it. Again, I recognize the immense privilege of having the freedom to make such choices at least some of the time.

So, what is the “drop in”? It’s a pause, a conscious choice to unplug the autopilot and really check in on a soul level with what is in alignment to do (or not do) next. The more I do it, the more trust I develop in myself that if I truly honor my body and my soul, I will not become a blob of duvet-dwelling abandon but will indeed still be a functional human. In fact I will most likely be an increasingly well-rested human whose life feels balanced and who feels in touch with what matters most deeply.