Moon as Community, Moon as Memory

Moon as Community, Moon as Memory


Last night I woke up at 4am all full of thoughts and got up to nap on the couch with the help of a podcast. When I walked into the front room I was greeted by this amazing waxing gibbous Moon in Taurus, just minutes away from setting behind a bank of cloud.

I was inspired to dip back into one of my favorite astrology podcasts, Luminaries In and Out of Sect, specifically the episode on Taurus Moon as the Luminary Out of Sect, with Steph Koyfman. It’s been a while since I’ve listened to this particular pod, and once again I was reminded of how much nourishment and inspiration I get from hearing other people talking about their astrological practice.

After two intensive years of astrological study I made the choice to take 2023 off and it’s been good to have a bit of breathing space. However I’ve also noticed that my energy and enthusiasm for astrology have waned a little without that regular input of classes and conversations. I was reminded of a tarot reading I had a few years ago with the amazing Kelly-Ann Maddox around my lack of inspiration for my Dharma practice. One of her invitations, based on an intuitive read of one of the cards she pulled for me, was: “pay attention to what you are taking in”. In fact, with some reflection, the takeaway for me was around what I wasn’t taking in – I hadn’t been on retreat for a long time and wasn’t doing any listening to or learning from other Buddhists about their practice. Apparently even though I’ve been practicing a long time, I still need some input of inspiration from outside to keep my energies up. Unsurprisingly it turns out the same is true with astrology. Even just 20 minutes of listening to Steph and S.P. talking about the Moon was enough to get me thinking in new ways and feeling pulled back into my own lunar devotions.

So this is just a reminder to me that however much my Aquarius Moon may think I can sustain myself just fine all alone out in space, I do actually need community and the energy that other people sharing their practice (Dharma, astrology or otherwise) can ignite in me. Thank you Taurus Moon for helping me remember.